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Mas d’en Gregori

An authentic rural house
with a lot of history.

Welcome to
Mas d’en Gregori

The perfect place for a dream vacation or simply for a fleeting getaway to nature and enjoy a dynamic environment with your friends and family.

mas d'en gregori masia rural al Priorat Tarragona

Welcome to
Mas d’en Gregori

The perfect place for a dream vacation or simply for a fleeting getaway to nature and enjoy a dynamic environment with your friends and family.

Family farmhouse of the XVI-XVII century in the middle of Priorat.

Family farmhouse of the XVI-XVII century in the middle of Priorat.

Few houses are left in Tarragona, which retain the flavor and the original structure of the Catalan farmhouses as the Mas d’en Gregori.
Also known as Can Pellicer, Mas d’en Gregori a family farmhouse, the history of which goes back more than 10 generations.

One thousand meters of house with the original spaces, winery, attic, cubes and corrals, as well as tools and utensils of the time.
It is the center of the agricultural and forestry activity of the farm, so it remains authentic, unsophisticated, with adobe floors and whitewashed walls.

Few houses are left in Tarragona, which retain the flavor and the original structure of the Catalan farmhouses as the Mas d’en Gregori …”. Also known as Can Pellicer, Mas d’en Gregori a family farmhouse, the history of which goes back more than 10 generations.

One thousand meters of house with the original spaces, winery, attic, cubes and corrals, as well as tools and utensils of the time.
It is the center of the agricultural and forestry activity of the farm, so it remains authentic, unsophisticated, with adobe floors and whitewashed walls.

Mas d’en Gregori Prices

Living in Mas is our choice, but the maintenance and upkeep of sites like this one is a constant time-consuming and costly effort.
Is a constant effort of time and money, only sustainable with the collaboration of all
the collaboration of all those who help us with their stays. Thank you.

    Double room with breakfast

    €95 - €140

    Working days consult prices


    Groups with
    acces to kitchen (exclusive):



    (full house 16 pax))

    1/2 house (10 pax)


    (10 pax)

    High season


    (Christmas, New Year and some other specified dates)

    (to concert)







    mas d'en gregori masia rural al Priorat Tarragona
    Before booking

    This IS your place if...

    you like the experience of sharing.

    you are looking for a natural environment.

    you value old preserved spaces ahead of some comfort.

    you don’t look for the same in an isolated farmhouse as in an apartment on the coast.

    you like the sounds of nature.

    Before booking

    This IS NOT your place if you...

    you are looking for a camouflaged hotel.

    you are annoyed to find a spider or a gecko.

    you think the accommodation must be cheaper because it is not a hotel.

    you do NOT feel comfortable sharing a bathroom.

    you are only looking for a large space.

    mas d'en gregori masia rural al Priorat Tarragona

    Contact and Booking

    Mas d’en Gregori
    Carretera de Porrera a Torroja Km. 3,5
    43739 Tarragona, Espanya
    Mob. (+34) 609 73 28 73

    Avíso Legal
    Responsable: Mas d’en Gregori
    Finalidad: Enviar la información solicitada, gestionar los productos o servicios solicitados y, cuando nos autorices, remitirte información y publicidad de las empresas pertenecientes a Mas d’en Gregori que pueda ser de tu interés. Legitimación: Para la ejecución de un contrato o para la aplicación de medidas precontractuales. Consentimiento del interesado. Destinatarios: Tus datos personales podrán ser comunicados a las empresas pertenecientes a Mas d’en Gregori. Sólo serán comunicados a terceros ajenos a nuestro grupo de empresas cuando sea estrictamente necesario para el desarrollo de los servicios contratados, para el buen funcionamiento empresarial o por obligación legal. Derechos: Acceso, rectificación y supresión, limitación del tratamiento, portabilidad de los datos, oposición y decisiones individuales automatizadas.Información adicional: Puedes consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos en nuestra Política de privacidad.

      I have read and accept Mas d'en Gregori's privacy policy.

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      Carretera de Porrera a Torroja Km. 3,5
      43739 Tarragona, Espanya
      Tel. (+34) 977 26 22 97 (nits)
      Mob. (+34) 609 73 28 73